A seemingly humble dish that we've transformed, only takes less than 15mins for you to replicate. This savoury truffle fried rice gets even more depth of flavour when you drizzle our La Madia Regale Black Truffle Olive Oil on it after removing from the pan/wok.
There are so many combinations you can create with our truffle selection, but this one tops the charts for us. Get a whiff and start drooling!
- Oro Bailén Picual Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- ½ cup mushroom chopped
- 1 cup cooked rice (preferably from last night)
- La Madia Regale Black Truffle Oil
- 1 egg
- Chopped garlic and shallot
- Spring onion
- 2 tbsp La Madia Regale La Tartufata Sauce
- 1 tsp La Madia Regale Truffle Sea Salt
- Preheat a dash of Oro Bailén Picual Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a pan
- Add chopped garlic and shallot
- Add mushrooms, sauté until slightly brown
- Add rice and egg. Season with Truffle salt
- Use chopsticks to stir until eggs are cooked through
- Remove rice from the pan
- Stir in La Tartufata Sauce
- Serve hot with spring onion
- Drizzle some La Madia Regale Black Truffle Oil to Finish